Meetings of the Mayor and Town Council of Middletown are held the first Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in council chambers at Town Hall, 19 W. Green St., Middletown.
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The Planning Commission is appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of town council, and consists of 10 Middletown residents. The commission reviews proposed amendments to the Town's zoning ordinances and other zoning changes, and makes recommendations to Mayor & Council. Additionally, the commission is charged with reviewing the Town's comprehensive plan, and makes recommendations to Mayor & Council for revisions. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. in council chambers of Town Hall, 19 W. Green St., Middletown.
David Chillas -- Chairperson; Donald Dibert; Billy Duck, Chuck McCausland, Jennifer Parrish, Joe Pontak, Gretchen Rachko, Charles "Chip" Roberts, Keith Thompson; and Volunteer Hose Co. of Middletown Fire Chief Frank Bailey.
Board of Adjustment
The Board of Adjustment is appointed by the Mayor, with the consent of town council, and consists of five Middletown residents. The board is responsible for granting or denying variances, special exceptions and zoning appeals. Board of Adjustment meetings are scheduled monthly as needed in council chambers of Town Hall at 7 p.m.
Jason Faulkner -- Chairperson; David Chillas, Louis Pederson; Laura Johnson and Unitas Todd.