Frequently Asked Questions

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Property Taxes

Property tax bills are sent out Aug. 1 of every year with the due date being Sept. 30.  A one and a half (1.5) percent penalty is assessed monthly after this time when no payment has been received.  Quarterly billing is done three other times during the year when new or updated assessments are received from New Castle County. 

The Town of Middletown sends all property tax bills directly to the homeowner. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to forward the bill to the mortgage company.

The Town does allow for disability discounts. You must have something in writing from New Castle County in order to receive this discount.

No. Once you have applied and been approved there is no renewal necessary. However, if you move residences within the Town of Middletown, you must reapply using the address of your new residence.

The tax rate is $.30 per $100 of New Castle County assessed value. Example: assessed value 76,000 ÷ 100 = 760 X .30 = $228

Yes, as long as any of the base taxes remain unpaid after Sept. 30, they will accrue a 1.5 percent late fee monthly. 

Utilities (water, sewer, electric, trash)

Yes, if you are 65 years of age or older, you may apply for the Senior Citizens Discount. Senior citizens (65 years and older) who reside in the Town of Middletown, and have for at least one year, are eligible for a Senior Citizen discount if they submit the proper form with appropriate ID. Please bring form and ID into Town Hall for identification purposes. The tax exemption form must be received prior to the beginning to the tax year June 30. You only need to apply once for this discount, there is no renewal necessary. However, if you change addresses within the Town of Middletown, you must reapply utilizing your new address. The discount is applied to the residence, not the individual.

If you have tax questions, click here to send an e-mail or call (302) 378-2711

Click here to download/print the form: Senior Property Tax Exemption Application

Make sure that the Town has a "passed" rental inspection for the property. You will need a $300 meter deposit and fill out an application. Here is a link to the application: Residential Utility Service Application 

Applications must be applied for and paid in person. 

Please note: It can take from 1-3 business days for this information to be processed. 

Electric and trash are the only utilities to be put in the renter's name, water and sewer always remain in the owner's name.

You would need to fill out an application at the Town Office with appropriate I.D. and give a $300 deposit before the electric is turned on or switched into your name. Although a rental inspection is not necessary for mobile homes, taxes in the previous owner's name must be paid in full.

No. We work with the settlement lawyers in setting up the new accounts. The new owners should not have to do anything.

For renters, there is a $300 deposit for residential and a $400 deposit for commercial. If you own the property, no deposit is necessary.

Once your utility bill (water, sewer, electric, trash) becomes seven (7) days past due, a 6 percent late charge will be assessed to your past due account balance. Also, if your account goes to disconnection for non-payment, there is a $25 disconnection fee and a $25 reconnection fee. 

The Town now accepts online payments of your montly utility bill with your credit or debit card! Click here to visit our online payment center. 

The Town now has a "PAY BY PHONE" feature -- call 1-844-611-4013. Please have your account number and "WIPP PIN" available at the time of the call. The WIPP PIN can be found in the center of the utility bill. 

You may also mail your payment in, drop it in the mailbox located on the median at the entrance of Town Hall, put it in the payment box inside the lobby or give it to the cashier for a receipt. We currently accept credit cards, debit cards, cash, money orders, checks or cashier checks for payment. 

We also offer a direct debit option for those who would like their utility payments debited directly from checking or savings accounts monthly. This option requires a preauthorized payment plan form to be filled out and dropped off or mailed to Town Hall. If you are putting your payment in a drop box or sending through the mail, please do not send cash. PLEASE NOTE: The town now deposits checks electronically with deposit-on-site softwareMake sure funds are available in your account at the time you make your payment to the town.

Yes, the phone payment system phone number is 1-844-611-4013. Please have your utility account number and "WIPP" PIN number available at the time of the call. The WIPP PIN can be found in the center of your utility bill.

The window is open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday

We read meters using a mobile van system and no longer have to walk house-to-house.

Yes, payment arrangements may be made in person only at the Town Offices. This cannot be done over the phone. Residents will have to pay one-third (1/3) of any past due amount at this time. This process may occur two (2) times from January 1 to June 30 and two (2) times from July 1 to December 31, with no exceptions. The following calendar year, two (2) more arrangements will be granted for January 1 to June 30 and two (2) more from July 1 to December 31.

This is a "purchase power adjustment cost." This is a fee the Town of Middletown collects for wholesale power cost fluctuations which are not covered in base rates. The fee changes each month based on consumption by the entire town. This also ensures the customer's continuous service during peak power usage, avoiding brownouts and blackouts.

This is what we charge the customer for meter reading and maintenance.

You may call the billing department at (302) 378-2711, between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

For more information about yard waste or trash collection, click here.

You may also call Trash Tech at (302) 832-8000.


Elections are held the first Monday in March. The Mayor and three Council members are elected on odd numbered years, with the other three council seats up for election on even years.

No. You must be 18 years old and provide proof of residency in the Town of Middletown.

Please call Public Works at (302) 378-2211.

If the pothole is located on Del. 299 (Main Street) or Del. 71 (Broad Street) it is the responsibility of DelDOT. Call (302) 659-2400 to report the problem. In any other area of town, please contact our Streets Foreman at (302) 378-5140.

Council meetings are held the first Monday of the month, at 7:30 p.m., in Council chambers located in Town Hall. If the first Monday falls on a major holiday, the meeting will be held the following Monday.